Rome - Guess what? Rome has lots of cool museums

 So I mistakenly thought that the Capitoline Museum was the primary archaeological museum in Rome. I was wrong. It turns out that Palazzo Massimo alle Terme is the main archaeological museum in Rome. We went there and holy crap. I don't even know what to say except just go. One banger after another. A small sampling of highlights below. I'm too lazy to include links any more. You know how to search the internet.

This sculpture of the boxer is amazing. I do not have words to describe how amazing this sculpture is in person. Note the use of copper inlays to show blood, and the bruise under his eye. I would love to see what this looked like before being buried for two millennia.

Photo of bronze statue of Roman boxer

Closeup of boxers face showing bruise.

Roman boxer statue

Roman sling stones


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