Mosaics are Cool

 I love mosaics. The ones below are from Ostia Antica. First the main mosaic at the Baths of Neptune.

I think this might technically not be mosaic, since it's all inlaid panels of stone, but it's amazing nonetheless. From Ostia Antica.

I think this fellow is a bath attendant with his bucket and strigil.

Note the depiction of Romulus and Remus with the female wolf.

Below here are ones from the Plaza of the Guilds at Ostia Antica. Look this up it's very cool.

The final ones are from museums in Rome.


TJRussell said…
Beautiful. I'd be hesitant to walk on them just because they are so beautiful, and old, but would definitely enjoy seeing them.
Eric Gilliland said…
The vast majority you can't walk on. Ones you can are rare. They are usually fenced off but there are exceptions. For example the one that is not technically (I think) mosaics but just joined inlaid pieces of stone. That was spectacular and you could walk on it. It was as Ostia at one of the houses.
Anonymous said…
Up the Wolves!


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