Also Rome Trip Highlights

Porta San Paolo

Pyramid of Cestius
Bath of Neptune mosaic Ostia Antica
Theater Ostia Antica
Views of Ostia Antica remains from the extant third floor of a Roman building. Pretty cool.

The Temple of the Capitoline Triad at Ostia Antica
General Ostia Antica picturesqueness

Fancy warehouse entrance.

This is how large those are out of the ground. For scale is is around two meters tall.
Olive oil or wine storage jars in situ. Some have the capacity (in amorpha) written on the lip. Some also show signs of repair.

Cool old Fiat truck in Trastevere

Shout out to this guy at Pizzeria Ai Marmi in Trastevere who is giving me the stink eye. I apologize, sir. The pizza you made me was amazing.

This is the pizza he made me. This place is amazing and you should go if you are in Rome. Some reviews said the quality had dropped off but it was still as awesome as we remembered from years ago.

These giant tubs outside the French Embassy in Palazzo Farnese were reportedly taken from the Baths of Caracalla, which is a very cool site that you should visit. It's hard to tell from these photos but these are the size of full size American vans.



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