Our hotels in Spain.

Now that we are home, I'll talk about our hotels. The hotel in Madrid was called Suites 33. It was a great hotel, in a great location. Here is the link to the tripadvisor page on the hotel:
My review of the hotel is on the site. My username is patzeric.
Here is the hotel's website:
We both liked this hotel. The rooms were huge and clean, and the location was great.

In Barcelona we stayed at a place called L'Antic Espai, which translates as "antique space."
It was a nice hotel, but it really wasn't to my taste. The rooms were filled with antiques, and the common areas were filed with antiques and tchokies. I was always scared I was going to break something. That said, it was a nice place, and the location was great.
The tripadvisor page (my review will be up in a day or two)
Here is the hotel's website.

In Granada we stayed in a place called Roommate Shalma. This was a fantastic hotel-our favorite of the trip. The location was great, and the room was large, clean and stylish. I can't say enough nice things about this place, and we will be looking for Roommate brand hotels in all of our future trips to Europe.
Here is the tripadvisor page:
And here is the hotel's website:

More pictures coming.


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