Day 1 Continued

 The jamon store we visited.
The different types of jamon available.

Seriously, ham is an art form in Spain. It's importance to the culinary history of the country can scarcely be overstated.

The Market we visited.

This man may look like a worker, but let me assure you he is an artist, and his medium is cheese.

If you are in Barcelona, just look it up and go. Amazing.

The yellow ribbons were everywhere, and represent the desire to free the political prisoners arrested when the Spanish central government crushed the elections recently.

This place was my favorite establishment I went to while in Barcelona and I am very sad I did not go back before I left for home. Seriously google it and go if you are there. The most old school bodega in the area. To go there is to see how life has been lived in the neighborhood for the last couple hundred years.

Always on the lookout for great street art. Love this one a lot.


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